Friday, July 17, 2009

Wide World View - Turkey

A couple links of interest from the always worldly Justin Paul.

I had previously mentioned that Ankara was a footballing desert in Turkey. Want more proof? Look at the hero's welcome they gave Darius Vassel. While his is a somewhat high profile name from England that would normally never grace Ankara's rather soulless 19 Mayis Stadium, the article highlights the size of the celebration despite his noticeably substantial decline in form. This was greeted with curiosity back in England.

And the partying continues in Besiktas, as they celebrate the Cup/League double. This article lists (in)famous fans coming to join in, including former French national teamer Pascal Nouma who while playing for the Kara Kartallar (the Black Eagles) stuffed his hands down his pants in a "private moment of joy" after a goal, which led to him being suspended by the league for 7 months, and then dismissed from the team. Still a cult hero! But the most internationally famous BJK fan, that being former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, was not on the list of attendees. What a pity.


Blogger Demko said...

7 months! that's funny.

11:36 AM  

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