Thursday, August 25, 2005

"Fuck The Police" - NWA

I made it home very early this morning from Kansas City. I had traveled with a coach full of Minnesota Thunder fans to attend the US open Cup Quarterfinal match last night. It was glorious and horrible. Our amazing team beat its third top flight team in a row, this time dominating KC 3-1. But as the game ended I stepped in and successfully stopped a big fight from happening, only to be pepper sprayed by the local cops. What a bunch of jerk-offs. It was four people, two of whom were breaking things up and two meatheads who wanted a fight. Did a cop step up and say knock it off or you are going to get doused. Hell no! These two bit egomaniac cops just opened fire. I am in pain, not to mention completely embarrassed. All because I STOPPED a fight from happening. By the way, the two losers who wanted to fight went to jail. More later.

ps. The game itself was played in a little tiny place that I would guess holds about 1500. It was not even close to being sold out. And we wonder why the KC team is in serious doubt, will definitely be sold, and could quite possibly move. These fans have had 10 years to get it together. The song has ended.


Blogger D said...

That's tough man... hope you recover well. Sports police have seemed always a little confused at pretty much every event I have been at. I think the sheer number of people present makes them prone to panic.

Still, good on you for stepping in. As Dan Rather would say: "Courage"

8:00 AM  
Blogger incendiarymind said...

Another reason why KC should be moved to Houston and San Jose should stay put.

Still, it's pretty cool to actually have a fight at a US Open Cup match. I just couldn't see one of those getting violent. Unless it was KC fans fighting each other.

9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a fight almost break out between KC supporters -- a group that dubbed themselves the "KC Hooligans" -- and security at the 2000 opener at Arrowhead. One of the hooligans had also urinated, allegedly, on the door to the stadium security office.

But those shenanigans are separate from the woefully sparse crowds. It's sad, especially because they've had a quality team to root for most years.

9:43 AM  
Blogger tom.elko said...

Its just so mind numbingly idiotic that the number one stereotype non-soccer fans have of soccer comes to fruition.

I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it through my own mace filled eyes while lying handcuffed on the pitch.

10:47 AM  
Blogger Tim Froh said...

I don't want to see any team moved. Yes, Kansas City's attendance has been as much as, if not more troubling than San Jose's, but I think there's a market for soccer there. Hell, it helps when your front office actually markets the team (which KC's front office doesn't do).

Sorry to hear your story, but am very happy for you and the Thunder. I hope they can knock out LA in the semis.

12:02 PM  
Blogger brucio said...

you know what bums me out the most? i can't seem to enjoy the thunder victory in my head. it feel like crap, and kinda like a fool for stepping in to stop it. i guess i should just step back and let idiots beat each other. i can't though. i just cant let it happend. this just proves i am bleeding heart liberal who dislikes violence so much, that i will put my own big body in the way to stop it. see what i get for caring so much about my fellow humanoids?? hahahahahahaha!

4:31 PM  
Blogger tom.elko said...

i'm mad that the law won't let me punch someone under completely acceptable circumstances. like when that kid told me that "I got what I deserved." I should have been able to punch him, legally speaking.

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really mig, you should have let those two assholes kill each other. Darwinism, man. We can't keep protecting idiots from the inevitable.

9:10 AM  

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